Though the denture may initially fit perfectly, it is expected that the fit of the denture changes over time. No matter the type of dentures, it is recommended to have them relined by a dental professional every 1-2 years.
When performing hard denture relines, a layer of plastic is removed from the interior surface and is used to create the impression. We use that impressive to perform a hard denture reline and necessary denture adjustments to fit the shape of the tissue.
A soft denture reline is performed when a patient has sensitive gums and feels soreness while wearing the denture. Then we utilize a softer material that will be much gentler on your gums and will minimize the discomfort.
While we use the best materials on the market for the fabrication of our dentures, the materials used for soft reline denture will stay pliable for about 1-2 years, meaning that regular maintenance and adjustment is necessary.